Freestyle Friday

[FF#06] 4 Simple Steps to an Effective Promotion

What’s going on,

Welcome back to Freestyle Friday where I share one actionable tip, strategy, or tactic to help you leverage your time and get one step closer to creating your Freestyle Lifestyle.

This week, let’s focus on a very important skill that I think is extremely undervalued.

Developing the skill of Promotion.

i.e. Learning how to sell.

After all, if you have the greatest product or service in the world but no one knows about it…

What’s the point?

Let’s dive in.

Promoting and selling online boils down to 4 things.

  1. Knowing who your ideal audience is
  2. Qualifying to see if they are someone you can help
  3. Creating an irresistible offer
  4. Inviting them to buy

Your Ideal Audience

Knowing who your ideal audience is makes promoting so much easier.

For example:

Let’s say you have the greatest, juiciest steak made from the freshest ingredients in the world.

But you were promoting your steak to an audience of Vegans.

There’s nothing you could offer that audience to get them to buy your steak.

They are simply the wrong audience for your product.

However, if you are offering your steak to an audience of carnivores who love a nice juicy steak.

You could add mashed potatoes, a complimentary drink, and delicious dessert to make the offer more appealing.


I learned a handy little tool called the 6-boxes of qualifying when I was working with a social media influencer chat closing information products.

Here’s how it went:

  1. Situation
  2. Missing
  3. Gap
  4. Need
  5. Priority
  6. Fit

The first step to qualifying is asking questions to determine what they’re current situation is and where they want to go.

We need to find out more about what they are missing in their current situation to get from where they currently are and where they want to go.

That missing piece for them is the gap – where they are and where they want to go.

Once we establish that, we know that there is a need for what we offer.

Next up is determining how much of a priority it is for them to solve their problem.

Is this something they are looking to do immediately or a year from now?

Asking the simple question of, how soon were you looking to get this fixed?

Will give you an idea of how much of a priority solving this problem for them is right now.

Last but not least, fit.

We have the final say in who we decide we want to work with.

So based on the conversation and asking questions for someone, we can say that we would love to help them solve their X problem or just refer them to someone else that they might be a better fit for.

No amount of money is worth the headaches that taking on the wrong customer. 

I’ve had numerous sales in my career that I wish I didn’t make because the customer was a nightmare to work with and I usually got a feel for it before we closed a the initial deal.

Irresistible Offer

An offer is simply, “You give me ____ and I’ll give you ____”

We want our offer to be so irresistible that it makes someone feel silly for saying no to.

Elements of an Irresistible offer

  • The value is 5-10x the price
  • Low to no risk for the client
  • Clearly define what you do and how it helps them achieve what they want

We can add the SMART model to make your offer irresistible.

S – Smart

M – Measurable

A – Action Based

R – Results Oriented

T – Time Bount

Add in a guarantee and it’ll make your offer incredibly difficult to say no to.

Structure of an Irresistible Offer:

I’ll help you [get more of a specific, measurable thing they want] in as little as [timeframe] and [guarantee]

For example here’s one of my Irresistible Offers:

I’ll help you get 10-50 more students for your high ticket offer in as little as 30 days or I’ll continue to work with you until you do.

That offer makes it irresistible for coaches with high- ticket programs to not at least check out what I have to offer and take me up on it. 


The last part of the promotion process is making an invite to your prospect.

Another way this is said is Asking for the Sale.

But I prefer a much less pressure way to do this by just making a simple invitation to join or decline the offer.

Quick story:

When I was selling high ticket backyard products at a sales job my invitation/ ask for the sale was this phrase:

“Was this something you’re thinking about doing today or just looking for a quote?”

This question gave me insight into how much of a priority it was for the customer and if they needed time to think it over.

They would contact me when they were ready to buy, which would usually be a few days, a week later or even later that same day since they didn’t feel pressured to make a decision. 

I would make a lot more sales by leaving the ball in their court but giving them the option to buy and contact me when they were ready. 

Giving people the option to buy when they are ready is one of the skills I learned at that job that has served me in my own business as well.

That wraps it up for this episode of Freestyle Friday. 

Remember, we are the creators of our lives…

The authors of our own story…

We only get ONE life and you’re holding the pen.  

Make it one to remember!

Til next time…

Freestyle Your Lifestyle!

Destrie Monis

Also:  when you’re ready, here are more ways I can help you…

(1) Socials: Connect with me on LinkedIn

(2) Download my Direct Message Qualifying Template here

(3) If you’re ready to install a Phoneless Sales Process into your business, book a time on my calendar.