Freestyle Friday

[FFN#18] How to Increase your Business’ “Status” Online

Welcome back to Freestyle Friday where I share one actionable tip, strategy, or tactic to help you build your business online and get one step closer to creating your Freestyle Lifestyle.

In today’s episode we’re going to cover “Status” when it comes to business.

In the dating world, there was a time when Eben Pagan the entrepreneur who went by the pen name of David Deangelo, had a great phrase about attraction.

“Attraction isn’t a choice.”

And I’ve taken that further to define attraction as the feeling someone gets when they perceive someone as having higher status.

But how do we apply this to business?


There are triggers that cause attraction, afterall people are still people whether we communicate in person or online.

Here’s a few ways to increase your businesses status online:

  1. Social proof – The more testimonials you have of your product or service the better.  If you don’t have any testimonials for your product or service, I’d suggest focusing your efforts on getting some.
  2. Case studies – A written before and after document that people are able to read on the specific problem you solve.  A case study usually includes these headings: Background, Challenge, Solution, Results, Testimonial
  3. Results – Specific results within a specific time frame that clients were able to achieve.  One of my results for a client was helping a business coach close $46k in a week with only 10 hours of organic work. 

Here’s a list of case studies I’ve been able to help business coaches achieve by writing for them:

Case Studies

With social proof in the form of testimonials, case studies, and results it’s much easier to influence a prospect to invest in your services if you can back up your claims. 

If you’d like help getting a case study written for your business, feel free to reach out.

Book a time on my calendar and let’s see how I can help.

Remember, we are the creators of our lives…

The authors of our own story…

We only get ONE life and you’re holding the pen. 

Make it one to remember!

Til next time…

Freestyle Your Lifestyle!

Destrie Monis

Also:  when you’re ready, here are more ways I can help you…

(1) Pick up my Email List Templates and build your own Email List Assets. 

(2) Grab my Direct Message Qualifying Template here and start qualifying leads in the DM’s, rather than wasting time on discovery or sales calls.

(3) If you’d like my personal help with setting up a profitable email list for your ideal audience, shoot me an email at [email protected] with the Subject Line: Email List

I’ll ask a couple questions to see if I can help and send more details if I can.

(4) If you’re a coach or creator with a large social audience and want to monetize your audience, I can set up a Freestyle Sales System to convert your high-ticket offers… Book a time on my calendar here to see if I can help. 

This exact process helped one of my clients with an audience of ~4,000 make $46k in a week with under 10 hours of work for his offer.