Freestyle Friday

[FF#8] How I helped an influencer close 6-figure months without a single discovery call

Welcome back to Freestyle Friday where I share one actionable tip, strategy, or tactic to help you build your business online and get one step closer to creating your Freestyle Lifestyle.

In today’s episode, we’re going to cover the process that was used to convert an influencer’s audience into 6-figure sales months for a group coaching offer, without having to use a single discovery call.

Here’s an outline of the process we used:

  1. 5130s aka Handraisers
  2. Qualify in Direct Messages
  3. Invite to check out details with a video sales letter
  4. Send enrollment link to best fits

Let’s dive into each step:

  1. 5130

A 5130 or Handraiser template looks like this:

I’m looking to work with 5 [people in your market] to do this [1 specific thing] over the next [timeframe] 30 days. 

[Teaser of what they’ll get working with you]

[Call to Action – ask them to reach out if they want more details]


For example: 

I’m looking to work with 5 coaches or creators with high ticket offers to set up a phoneless sales process for their audience over the next 7 days.

I’ll set up this process FOR you.  

You won’t have to lift a finger and if we don’t convert your audience into a single high-ticket sale, I’ll continue working with you until we do.

If you’d like me to set this process up for you, shoot me a message and I’ll get you the details.


This gets people in your audience to raise their hands and ask you for more details.

Once they reach out…

You’ll dive into step 2.

  1. Qualify in Direct Messages

Qualifying in the direct messages boils down to asking questions to figure out who you can help with your product or service.

First question is a Confirmation.

Hey Dave, thanks for reaching out!

Are you considering setting up a phoneless sales process for your coaching business?

(Dave responds with yes or no)

Second question will find out if they meet your client criteria to make sure you can actually help them. 


Happy to share the details on how I’m helping coaches do exactly that. 

Before I do though…

I can only help coaches install this process into their businesses only if they have three things in place:

– A converting high-ticket offer

– A growing social audience or email list

– And client testimonials or case studies

Are you working with that?

Third question asks them to commit to checking out the details of your offer with a video sales letter or a google doc. 


I’ve got all the details on a google doc that I can share here.

One quick favor to ask before I do though…

After you watch it, can you just let me know if you’re in, out, or have any questions?

  1. Details

A details document or video sales letter can provide all the details of your offer and once they go through it, they can tell you if they’re in or not if it’s not the right time for them.

Thanks Dave!

I appreciate it.

Here you go:
  1. Send enrollment link to those who say they’re in


Would love to have you, Dave.

Here’s the enrollment link:


Once that’s taken care of, I’ll shoot over an onboarding document to help me set this up for you.

And that’s a wrap.

That’s the exact process that was used for an influencer I worked with to close 6-figure months.

Here’s proof:

My wins for the week:

-Finished up a lead magnet to help coaches and creators build and monetize their email lists

-Refined my message to market match for my done-for-you email list building offer

Remember, we are the creators of our lives…

The authors of our own story…

We only get ONE life and you’re holding the pen.  

Make it one to remember!

Til next time…

Freestyle Your Lifestyle!

Destrie Monis

Also:  When you’re ready, here are more ways I can help you…

(1) If you’d like my personal help with setting up a profitable email list for your ideal audience, shoot me an email at [email protected] with the Subject Line: Email List,

I’ll ask a couple questions to see if I can help and send more details if we’re a fit to work together. 

(2) If you’re a coach or creator with a large social audience and want to monetize your audience, I can set up a Phoneless Sales Process to convert your high-ticket offers… Book a time on my calendar here to see if I can help. 

This exact process helped one of my clients with an audience of ~4,000 make $46k in a week with under 10 hours of work for his offer. 

(3) Grab my Direct Message Qualifying Template here and start qualifying leads in the DM’s, rather than waste time on Discovery Calls.