Freestyle Friday

[FFN#15] The Secret Structure of a Persuasive Email

Welcome back to Freestyle Friday where I share one actionable tip, strategy, or tactic to help you build your business online and get one step closer to creating your Freestyle Lifestyle.

In today’s episode, we’re going to cover the structure of a persuasive email.

Persuasive emails have a flow and it goes like this:

  • Subject Line
  • Lead
  • Body
  • Transition
  • Call To Action
  • P.S. 

Before we get into the persuasive email flow, a quick note. 

The first thing that gets people to open your email is the person that it’s coming from and whether or not the people on your list recognize the name of the person that the email is coming from. 

If you’ve been neglecting your email list and trying to revive it, this structure won’t work because it’s dependent on already having a relationship with your list. 

With that, let’s dive into the flow of a persuasive email:

Subject Line

The subject line’s job isn’t to sell right off the bat, the main purpose of a subject line is to create enough intrigue to get a reader to open the email.

There’s a few ways to do that.  Create curiosity, benefit driven, create contrast…

If you’re struggling with themes to create an attention grabbing subject line.

I created an Email Subject Line cheat sheet you can grab right here:

Email Subject Line Cheat Sheet

It has 14 different email themes you can use to write your email subject lines along with examples. 

Use them as inspiration to write your own attention grabbing subject lines. 


The second most important part of a persuasive email is the lead.

The lead is the first 1-2 sentences of the email.

The main job of the lead is to get the reader to read the rest of the content of the email.

The way to do that with the lead is to either call out the target market or their problems, or simply make the first sentence flow onto the next sentence.


The body of the email pays off on what the subject line and lead teased.

For example, if your subject line was a list like, “11 reasons why you should email your list daily.”

The body of the email should include those 11 reasons.

There are multiple themes one can use to write out the body of an email.

I covered it in a previous episode of Freestyle Friday.

(If you missed it, you can give it a read here.)


The transition is a phrase or sentence that transitions from the body of the email into the call to action.

Common ones that I’ve previously used in my own emails is:

  • Anyways
  • Here’s why this is important
  • If you need help with xyz, then…

Call To Action

The call to action is what you’d like the reader to do next.

Whether that be to check out your product, book a call, check out a resource…

The call to action needs to be clear so there’s no room for interpretation on what you would like the reader to do next.


The post script, also known as a Super Signature (something I learned from Sean Anthony, who picked it up from Dean Jackson) is where you can plug in resources where someone can check out more of your offers when they’re ready. 

Here’s what my current Super Signature looks like:

Also:  when you’re ready, here are more ways I can help you…

(1) Pick up my Email List Templates and build your own Email List Assets. 

(2) Grab my Direct Message Qualifying Template here and start qualifying leads in the DM’s, rather than wasting time on discovery or sales calls.

(3) If you’d like my personal help with setting up a profitable email list for your ideal audience, shoot me an email at [email protected] with the Subject Line: Email List

I’ll ask a couple questions to see if I can help and send more details if I can.

(4) If you’re a coach or creator with a large social audience and want to monetize your audience, I can set up a Freestyle Sales System to convert your high-ticket offers… Book a time on my calendar here to see if I can help. 

This exact process helped one of my clients with an audience of ~4,000 make $46k in a week with under 10 hours of work for his offer. 

My P.S. / Super Signature will change depending on the offers I am currently promoting, but that is the structure for it.

And that’s a wrap!

If you’d like more help creating a persuasive email…

I created a 7-day persuasive email challenge you can go through that goes more into depth on each of these components of a persuasive email.

Check it out here:

Persuasive Email Challenge

I’ve used this structure for my own emails as well as writing email campaigns for clients that have paid me $100 per email.

Use this challenge to write your own persuasive emails for clients or your own offers.

My wins for the week:

  • Started dialing in the messaging for my chat closing process for a lead list for business coaches.
  • Booked calls for my services

Remember, we are the creators of our lives…

The authors of our own story…

We only get ONE life and you’re holding the pen. 

Make it one to remember!

Til next time…

Freestyle Your Lifestyle!

Destrie Monis

Also:  when you’re ready, here are more ways I can help you…

(1) Pick up my Email List Templates and build your own Email List Assets. 

(2) Grab my Direct Message Qualifying Template here and start qualifying leads in the DM’s, rather than wasting time on discovery or sales calls.

(3) If you’d like my personal help with setting up a profitable email list for your ideal audience, shoot me an email at [email protected] with the Subject Line: Email List

I’ll ask a couple questions to see if I can help and send more details if I can.

(4) If you’re a coach or creator with a large social audience and want to monetize your audience, I can set up a Freestyle Sales System to convert your high-ticket offers… Book a time on my calendar here to see if I can help. 

This exact process helped one of my clients with an audience of ~4,000 make $46k in a week with under 10 hours of work for his offer.

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