Freestyle Friday

[FF#10] Email Assets to create when building your email list

Welcome back to Freestyle Friday where I share one actionable tip, strategy, or tactic to help you build your business online and get one step closer to creating your Freestyle Lifestyle.

In today’s episode, I’m going to share with you the assets you’ll need to create to start or grow your email list as a coach or creator.

Here are the basic email list assets you will need:

  • Lead Magnet / Bait
  • Opt In Page
  • Thank You Page
  • Email Service Provider
  • Welcome Email
  • Welcome Sequence

Lead Magnet

An email list starts with creating a lead magnet or bait that attracts a specific market to your email list.

I’ll dive into how to create a lead magnet in a future Freestyle Friday episode. 

(Or you can reach out and I’ll create your lead magnet for you.)

But for now, all you’ll need is an eBook, video training, audio, pdf, templates or some kind of info that your target market would want to solve a problem, in exchange for their email address.

Here is a lead magnet I created for my Done-For-You Email List Setup offer:

Email List Growth for Coaches and Creators

This lead magnet helps coaches and creators know the steps to create an asset that social media platforms can’t take away from them, aka an Email List.

The lead magnet walks them through the importance of building an email list, the psychology behind email marketing, how to start building an email list, types of emails you can create, subject lines that get attention, best practices, and how to measure success, when building an email list.

In exchange for their email address.  

It’s important to offer something that will help a specific person solve a specific problem.

Opt In Page

After your lead magnet is created…

Next step is creating an opt-in page. A page where people can go to in order to get the lead magnet you just created.

Here’s an example of one of my opt-in pages:

The opt-in page calls out my market and offers the lead magnet, plus access to my weekly newsletter.

Thank You Page

The thank you page gives people instructions on how to access their lead magnet and offers a product that complements the lead magnet that they just opted in for.

In this case, email list asset templates they can use to start to create the assets they need for their email list. 

Here’s the thank you page once they opt-in:

Email Service Provider

There are many email marketing service providers out there to choose from. 

Doing a quick google search, here’s the ones that are popping up as of the writing of this episode:

What’s important is to have access to one to start growing your email list.

Personally I use Aweber and have been using it for years to grow my email list.

I’m used to their platform and may switch to another provider in the future, 

And when I’m ready for that, all I would need to do is export my subscribers to a CSV file and then upload them into a new email service provider.

Which is why creating your own email list is so important, it’s an asset that you fully control.

Can you download all of your followers on a social platform and upload them to another one if you don’t like the platform’s policies?

We can’t do that on Social Media, but we can with our own email list.

Welcome Email

A welcome email has 4 functions:

  1. To tell a new subscriber where to get their lead magnet
  2. Get them to reply to your email for deliverability and move your email into the primary folder
  3. Sets the expectation for being on your list
  4. Welcome people into your world

It will be your most opened email, so treat it as such.

We only get one shot to make a first impression, so make it count!

Welcome Sequence

A welcome sequence is a series of pre-written emails that welcomes subscribers into your world.

It helps to start to build a relationship with your audience and nurture them.

If you’re just starting your email list, begin with just 3-7 emails but don’t expect the welcome sequence to automatically build a relationship with people for you. 

I don’t expect an automated series of emails to nurture the relationship with my email list.

So don’t plan to write a 90 day welcome sequence to automate building the relationship with the people on your list. 

That would be like going on a date and having the other person plan out exactly how the next 90 dates would go. (Cray cray!)

I let my weekly emails do the nurturing.

That way if I get responses from my email list or something current happens in my life that I can share to relate to my list…

Sharing those events will build a stronger bond. 

I keep saying this in my content, so I dub the following a “Destrie-ism”:

Frequency builds familiarity.

Familiarity builds liking.

And liking is a principle of persuasion. 

And that’s a wrap for this week’s Freestyle Friday!

My wins for the week:

  • Finished writing a new lead magnet for Done-For-You email list set up offer
  • Wrote the opt-in page and thank-you page copy for new lead magnet
  • Created the funnel opt-in page and thank page
  • Created Email List Asset templates product for upsell
  • Delegated 3D cover image for lead magnet

Remember, we are the creators of our lives…

The authors of our own story…

We only get ONE life and you’re holding the pen. 

Make it one to remember!

Til next time…

Freestyle Your Lifestyle!

Destrie Monis

Also:  when you’re ready, here are more ways I can help you…

(1) If you’d like my personal help with setting up a profitable email list for your ideal audience, shoot me an email at [email protected] with the Subject Line: Email List

I’ll ask a couple questions to see if I can help and send more details if we’re a fit to work together. 

(2) If you’re a coach or creator with a large social audience and want to monetize your audience, I can set up a Phoneless Sales Process to convert your high-ticket offers… Book a time on my calendar here to see if I can help. 

This exact process helped one of my clients with an audience of ~4,000 make $46k in a week with under 10 hours of work for his offer. 
(3) Grab my Direct Message Qualifying Template here and start qualifying leads in the DM’s, rather than waste time on Discovery Calls.